This is where Bumpkin Hill began
This was my Granny's Home painted by my Great Uncle. It was nestled amongst fields and hills full of horses and sheep in the English countryside. Days were spent gardening, climbing apple trees in the orchard and lots of crafts! Part of the "make do and mend" generation my Granny always had a sewing project on the go. We loved to stitch together on the bench under the yellow rambling rose.
My Mum and Dad were creative too, with my Mum studying textiles, hand dying fabrics from plants. I was always drawing and painting flowers and wildlife, holding a dream in my heart of becoming an artist when I grew up! It feels special to continue these traditions so loved by my family.
These feelings of peaceful, simple days are what I love to capture in my work for you to feel.
Catherine Young
Artist & Gardener
Where did the name come from?
As you can tell from this photo of me and my Mum I was never much of a city girl, much happier in my welly boots. But one winter's evening Granny took me and my little best friend on a magical trip to see the Christmas lights in London. She said to the taxi driver, "can you take us Country Bumpkins on a tour of the lights." As we drove along the famous Oxford Street she said to me "one day your creations should be sold in these shops." I like to think even now she would be smiling down with pride and who knows maybe one day my Art will be there!
When I was starting my business this memory came back to me. I wanted this to feel like a destination for you to visit . I remembered the Hill opposite Granny's House so Bumpkin Hill it was!

Turning a Dream into Reality
After my degree in Communication & Photography I still held this dream of a creative business. So when in 2002 having moved from the UK to Belgium I started my first creative business designing and making Heirloom Teddy Bears I called them Bumpkin Bears. Being creative brought me a great sense of comfort in a foreign land. As the amount of bears and customers grew so did my business, moving into Country Living inspired Embroidery Kits, Original Paintings & Gardening Tutorials and this is where Bumpkin Hill nestles now.
I love to embrace the comforting soul of nature with every brush stroke, stitch and plant grown so that your days and home will be filled with the same joy and peace.
Put the kettle on, make yourself at Home, you are always welcome.